2-GO Orders support M4NL Red Door Projects!

Art of Gardening & Simple Sustainable Living Classes

Music and Art Therapy Workshops

Together we make a difference in the hearts and souls of one person at a time.


About us

Are you thinking about ways to serve in the mission field? Our Mission is to Educate and Equip Volunteers through…


The Do Crew

Do Crew M4NL Teams are all about sharing the heart of Jesus in our community with the poor and needy .


Partner with us

Together, we will make a difference! We have several ways to fund and fuel Ministry work at the Mission. We offer opportunities for Special Events, Children’s Parties, Fundraisers, Street Ministry & More…  Prayerfully consider supporting the ministry projects hosted at the New Life Community Center.


Mission & Purpose

When is it the right time to love our sisters and brothers (e.g. everyone we come into contact with, everyone!) in words and deed?

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Sweet N Spicy + Herbs N Spices

“Taste and See the Goodness of the Lord.” Sweet & Spicy 2-GO Orders support M4NL Red Door Projects! Together we make a difference in the hearts and souls of one person at a time. All things are possible with God! We need corporate involvement to renew the external environment for children and adult children with faulty, unstable […]

Sow Seeds for the Harvest

M4NL creates an environment for healing through art, and music. The garden of New Dawn is a therapeutic teaching complex, encompassing various urban agriculture educational elements to promote “horticulture literacy” as well as therapy for the Spirit, Soul, and Body. Join M4NL Community “Duc in Altum” Integrate Faith and Work… Become a Sponsor! Sow seeds […]
