Patricia Allison
June 2001 the Allison family business Fast Equip. Rental Inc. closed the doors after Tropical Storm Allison. The warehouse was empty until March 2011 when Pat Allison dedicated the business for something different. The vision for M4NL was birthed on March 19th. 2011 on Pat’s birthday. The New Life Center has become an inner healing “Mission 4 New Life” where broken-hearted, hurting people suffering from trauma gather together seeking hope for a future and a new life.
Our Mission: We are dedicated to proclaiming the Good News to the poor, to announce forgiveness to the prisoners of sin, restore sight to the blind, bring healing to the brokenhearted and set the captives free Luke 4:18
M4NL thrives due to the hard work of many talented and gifted volunteers who serve at the New Life Center. Financial donations from sponsors is an excellent way to support people from all walks of life and every corner of the planet looking for ways of expressing themselves through the arts—music, performance, visual, writing, culinary, gardening, horticulture — Visit our Community Garden. Sow Seeds for the Harvest.