For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.
Matthew 25:35

Do Crew M4NL Teams are all about sharing the heart of Jesus in our community with the poor and needy .
M4NL is looking for people who know they fall short, who don’t expect to sit back and be served, who aren’t afraid to be transparent, who want more than fitting in and warming pews and sick and tired of the status quo, carnal minded religion. Want to be part of something extremely difficult? Want to be part of a great sacrifice? Ready to get over yourself and take the road less traveled into the wilderness? God is calling out a remnant who will stand firm on the unshakeable foundation of His never changing Word! At M4NL it is never easy and always challenging. Helping people in transition build their lives through work and faith is our purpose. The “Do Crew” missionary street saints are all about getting out of the pew and into the community, in order to share the hope and love of Christ. Join “Do Crew” missionary street saints in service through the corporal works of mercy.
Join “Do Crew” missionary street saints in service through the corporal works of mercy.
Volunteer at M4NL soup kitchen or contribute to Streets of Gold food bank. Join the “Do Crew” by building community gardens and teaching people to be good stewards of health and nutrition.
This is where they make available clothing, household wares donated by other people who are trying to help in serving the poor in our midst. Volunteer to help with Breaking Bread Homeless Ministry & The Cross Ministry.
Volunteer at, or contribute to, homeless shelters, or volunteer to help the Street Saints at Missions4NewLife. , If you’re a carpenter, plumber, electrician, painter- your skills are in demand.
Celebrate Recovery is a recovery program aimed at all “hurts, habits, and hang-ups”, including but not exclusive to: high anxiety; co-dependency; compulsive behaviors; sex addictions; financial dysfunction; drug and alcohol addictions; and eating disorders. Celebrate recovery began as a ministry of Saddleback Church under John Baker’s leadership in 1990.
Monday CR Meeting 6:30 -9:00 pm Magnolia Tx.
Monday CR Meeting 7:30pm -9:30pm Clear Lake
Lakewood Church CR Meeting Friday 7:30pm -9:30pm
Volunteers needed to help people who are widowed. Bring comfort and understanding to people who have lost a close relative.
Helping people in transition build their lives through work and faith.
Get Involved! Join our Welcome Center Team; visit our website for volunteer opportunities:
His Whole House… Freedom Reigns! We provide people of every age with tools needed to break free of what is holding them back so they can fully become who God originally created them to be! 281-358-5361
Join the Do Crew Now
Get Involved! Join our Do Crew Team. Ask about volunteer opportunities:
God has placed in me a desire to see lost people step into the freedom He died to bring them. To watch someone discover God’s love and choose to follow His Son is a passion which burns in my heart that cannot be quenched. (Romans 9:3) ~ Homer Allison Jr.1-3)
Yesterday’s Prisoners, Today’s Neighbor, Tomorrow’s Community Leaders.
God has placed in me the desire to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to minister love, mercy, and compassion of the Lord’s favor. Luke 4:18 ~ Patricia Allison
Join the DO Crew Team email me at