The Sovereign Lord has filled me with his spirit. he has chosen me and sent me To bring good news to the poor, To heal the broken-hearted, To announce release to captives and freedom to those in prison.
Isaiah 61:1
We are dedicated to proclaiming the Good News to the poor, to announce forgiveness to the prisoners of sin, restore sight to the blind, bring healing to the brokenhearted and set the captives free. Luke 4:18
God placed in me a desire to proclaim good news to the poor and needy. My purpose is to proclaim freedom for the captives living in bondage, recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, and minister love, mercy and compassion of the Lord’s favor.
My heart desires to see the Messiah illuminate His people and bring new life and hope for souls seeking peace and joy. My prayer is for the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Jesus opened my eyes and ears in 1981 as I cried out to Him for forgiveness and ask for help.
I spent 4 decades of my life searching for answers to age-old questions we all have. Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Does God really care about me? Is Jesus the only way to the Father? Why are there so many different religions? What is the truth? “Awake, you who sleep, and arise from among the dead and The Messiah will illuminate you.” Ephesians 5:14